Response of Mainia Youth Forum for Rohingya Refugees

Rohingya people are the biggest stateless refugees in the world. On August 25, 2017, the Myanmar Army killed thousands of Rohingyas through Operation Ethnic Cleansing. Rohingyas were forced to come to Bangladesh for saving their lives. Bangladesh took a humanitarian step. Bangladesh opened its border and gave them shelter, although Bangladesh has many problems regarding its excess population. There are about 1.2 million Rohingyas in the refugee camps of Bangladesh. There was a lack of food, health service, dresses and other basic needs. Along with the founder of MYF, Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani Maizbhandari, a team of MYF went to the ‘Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp’ in Cox’s Bazar in September 2017 and distributed food goods, and medicines among refugees.

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