Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani Maizbhandari inaugurates ‘Countrywide COVID-19 Protection Programme’

In Bangladesh, the first COVID-19 was detected on March 8, 2020. The government of Bangladesh announced a lockdown all over the country on March 18, 2020. According to the direction of Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani Maizbhandari, Hon’ble founder of MYF, Mainia Youth Forum took ‘Countrywide COVID-19 Protection Programme’ which includes mass awareness raising, distributing sanitizers, masks, handkerchiefs, spraying disinfectants in public places, distributing food goods among helpless people etc. On 26th March 2020, Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani Maizbhandari inaugurated the programme at Mirpur-1 in Dhaka. He urged all members to dedicate themselves to the service of the people and the country in that crisis situation. Following him, MYF members worked to defy all threats to their own lives. Even they helped farmers in harvesting as there was a lack of labours in the agricultural sector during the lockdown.

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