Sovereignty and rights of Palestine must be ensured. – Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani

On 17th May 2021 to protest against the atrocities on Palestinians, ‘The Parliament of World Sufis’ & ‘The Mainia Youth Forum’ held a long human chain at the National Press Club in Dhaka where hundreds of peace-loving people participated spontaneously to express solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani, president of “The Parliament of World Sufis” strongly condemned brutal Israeli attacks on innocent Palestinians.

He said, “Palestinians are the victims of international politics and disunity among Muslims. Since the birth of Israel in 1948 according to the ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 1917, Palestinians are deprived of independence on their land. Killing children, women and civilians, Illegal occupancy are serious violations of international law and human values.

But including United Nations, most of the international organisations are showing their one-eyed intentions on the Palestine crisis. They have lost their acceptance of people. Arab countries have also proved their hypocrisy as they never stand with oppressed Palestinians. Rather they have made friends with Israel. It is a betrayal to Muslims.

“I urge all Muslim ummah to be united to restore the dignity, rights and sovereignty of Palestine,” he said.

Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani thanked honourable prime minister of Bangladesh for his steps regarding this issue.

Shahzada Sayeed Mehbub Mainuddin Al Hasani, president of Mainia Youth Forum said, “Israel has no right on the holy lands of Palestine. Because they came here as refugees when they had no asylum. They are not the descendants of Hazrat Ibrahim (A) which they have been claiming for years, rather they are European Jews. We must resist them from illegal annexation.”

Shahzada Sayeed Mashuk Mainuddin Al Hasani, executive president of Mainia Youth Forum said, “We will never recognise Israel as a state. They never follow international law, norms and values. Killing civilians, children, and women is nothing but a militant activity. We expect that all people around the world who believe in humanity will raise their voices against the brutality of Israelis that will take them before trials and appropriate punishments through ICJ or ICC for their genocides, war crimes and violation of humanity.

Mufti Baaki Billah Al Azhari, Mawlana Sheikh Shadi Abdullah, Shah Mohammad Aslam Hossain, general secretary of Mainia Youth Forum and many other leaders from Parliament of World Sufis, Anjuman-e-Rahmania Mainia Maizbhandaria, Mainia Ulama Mashaeikh Forum and Mainia Youth Forum were present at the human chain.

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