Mainia Sishu Kishore Mela organised ‘Art Competition for Children’

On 18th February 2014 ‘Mainia Sishu Kishore Mela’ organised an ‘Art Competition for Children’ at the Swaparjito Shadhinata Chattar in Dhaka on the occasion of International Mother Language Day. About 600 children from different schools in Dhaka participated in the competition. The hon’ble founder of Mainia Youth Forum, Shahzada Sayeed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani Maizbhandari was the chief guest. In his speech, he said, “Children are the flowers of heaven. Our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) loved children so much. Following his teachings we need to adore the children around us. We have been trying to encourage children to develop their capabilities so that they can grow up as good citizens to serve the nation.”

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